Recognizing God’s Protection

Hello again!!

I took quite a long and unexpected blogging break—in fact this is the first post I’ve written in this new year, the last was at Christmas time!

Toward the end of last year I received my cancer diagnosis, had surgery, worked on recuperating, got Covid, worked on recuperating from that, struggled with depression, and finally (with much gratitude) celebrated Christmas!!

The new year started with an obnoxious head-cold throughout most of January. It was probably worse than my experience with Covid.

Meanwhile I had begun radiation treatments which were every Monday through Friday morning at 8 AM. I had thirty-three treatments and typically was in and out of the clinic within 15 minutes.

The nursing staff at Anderson Radiation are some of the kindest, most caring women I’ve ever met! I would pray over them on my drive into town and thank God for His healing every morning and it became such a blessed part of my daily routine. I’m thankful to be on the other side of it but I miss seeing each one of those gals!

That break from blogging was so necessary as I felt I needed to step back, catch my breath and truly gather my health—both mentally and physically.

Radiation can be exhausting as the high-energy beams not only kill cancer cells but also affect healthy cells too. I had and still have a lot of fatigue especially toward the late afternoon but this will subside with a little more time.

I couldn’t help but notice as I’d walk into the radiation room each morning how incredibly thick the door is. It has to be close to two feet thick and operates by mechanically sliding open and closed in a side to side motion. After making a comment to the techs they explained that the walls of the radiation room are actually eight foot thick and since the door can’t possibly be that thick it’s made from very heavy material causing it to weigh 22,000 pounds!! This might seem drastic but it’s for protective measures to those outside of the treatment room.

When I’d go in for treatment they’d have me lay down on the table, adjust me with precise measurements, then exit the room (closing that 22,000 pound door behind them) and then using computer technology they’d operate the radiation machine to move around me and target the area needing treatment at just the right dose.

Photo from This is similar to the machine and set up they used.

As I look back on that time the word protection so accurately describes what I saw and felt. Radiation was quick and painless but I was amazed at how much every little detail mattered— from the very thick walls, to the heavy door, down to a sliver of body placement being set just right…all of it points back to protection.

Protection for my best interest and for the medical staff.

I’m reminded of how much God’s protection is ultimately even greater and bigger than any of those necessary precautions though—how His protection stretches far beyond any of the thickest walls or heaviest doors in the world.

Psalm 32:7 says this, “You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”

Protection. What a beautiful and filling hope and truth. I pray we take comfort in what the Lord’s word says and allow that peace to settle over our hearts and minds.

Sometimes things happen in our life where we might be prone to think “why didn’t God stop this or protect us from that?” And getting through those trials can be incredibly challenging BUT we also must be quick to believe and trust that God is protecting us from things (little and big) every single moment without us even recognizing or knowing it at all!!

He moves, works, and plans in His own perfect way all the time; and always with a divine purpose. We must be ever thankful for His protection—known and unknown.

God deserves our glory. As we’re living and breathing we have reason to praise Him no matter our circumstances. He is good.

Thank you for connecting with me again sweet friends. God willing I’ll get back on a regular blogging schedule!

Have a blessed weekend!!

The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. —Nahum 1:7

The One Who Never Changes

I took one week away from blogging and every time I do this it always seems funny to me on where to pick back up…but a few things come to mind…

First of all WordPress notified me that I’ve been blogging for four years now! Time goes so quickly!!

Along with that the blog has over 700 followers, there’s been 10,000 plus visitors, and I’ve written over 173 posts—so crazy to me! Praying hearts would continue to be reached For His Purpose and I’m also incredibly thankful for the fellowship happening through the blog! Thank you all for being a reason to share my thoughts and share Jesus.

Moving on…

The past few weeks have brought some changes and if I’m honest I’m not a huge fan of change.


My grandma has been in the nursing home for months now and unfortunately her home must be sold to offset the necessary fees there.

I was offered the chance to choose some of my grandmas things from her home of over fifty years and it was such an uncanny experience rummaging through the house as many things are being sorted and boxed up. Her house was always so cozy and very orderly and now it is anything but.

The turntable pantry that was notorious for its strong scents of ginger and cinnamon and all things baking has now faded to nothing more than an abandoned stale cupboard—not even appealing to a mouse.

The entire house is just so different, it feels so empty and sad.

Here are the few things I chose that are packed with personal sentimental value.

My grandma had a large chicken collection and this is Big Al, one of her favorites. ❤️

I’m gonna miss making memories in my grandma’s house but will hold dearly to the ones I’ve been blessed with over the years.

More change.

Here at my own home, our remodel is nearly complete and while I’m loving how it’s all coming together I’m still trying to bring in that old homey feeling we had before we started. I miss seeing some of the old base colors we had. It just seems so foreign to me right now.

Funny how we get so familiar and comfortable with things…but it’s a reminder to hold earthly things loosely—especially keeping in mind that a house and it’s features is just simply a temporary dwelling until the good Lord calls us to our permanent heavenly home. That’s where our excitement for character and charm should truly fall into place (not in decor and comfort of earthly homes) but instead with a focus upward and becoming more like Christ!

I’ll share photos of our remodel when it’s complete. I know some of you enjoy seeing those before and after house projects.


Some recent test results with the doctor show that my health has changed and things will be a bit different for an unknown period. Although I wish it could be avoided, I have such a sweet peace from the Lord in this. I trust so big that He will heal and that I can look at this as an opportunity to grow even closer to Him.

I’ve never been great with patience but I’m praying to be teachable and maybe now my desire (and neglect) to becoming more patient won’t go unchecked, maybe God is using this very obstacle for such a time as this.

In this various season of change I’m holding on to the truth of Hebrews 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Things change, it’s inevitable but God remains the same loyal steadfast God He always was and ever will be—no matter what.

In the areas I’m noticing change I remember that as Christians this earth is not our permanent home and these bodies that are wasting away will one day be restored in the most perfect of ways.

The assurance of God’s unchanging dedication and love for us is what can bring peace to unexpected and inevitable changes in our lives. He is solid and stable. He is wonderfully unchanging.

Weekend blessings to you all!!❤️

2021 Memory Pics So Far

Happy Friday everyone!! I’m subbing today and have a little free time…not enough time really to write but thought I’d share some pics from this year so far!

Taya’s finest method of works too!! I always cave, she’s so irresistible!
I’m absolutely blown away by this eye drawing my 5th grade son did, thought I’d share it with y’all.
Me showing up to the nursing home back in January to do hair…crazy times, thankfully it was only that one week that my attire was that dramatic.
Papa’s cows
Church service snuggles
Love this❤️
Who says kayaking isn’t a year round thing in Nebraska?
Sunset in March
Don’t question my parenting skills…actually this happened when Mc was with my best friend spending time on their farm.😉
More of this gal…can’t get enough of her cuteness!!!
Soccer…game day!!
Farm life at Papa’s house
Easter Sunday 2021
Track day for Paige
Late Spring snow today

That’s it!! Time for lunch now!! Have a blessed weekend everyone!!

Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. -Psalm 31:24

Lessons From My Grandma’s Lifeline

On Easter evening my husband, and the kids and I stopped over to my grandma’s to visit for a bit. She was glad to see all of us together because typically it’s just me and one or two kiddos visiting at a time. I made sure she got something to eat for supper and we shared small talk and then went on home.

(Photo taken Easter 2021)

This visit with her makes me want to get better about making every moment count for “good” because you just never know…things can change quickly and without warning!

The next day after visiting my grandma, my mom called early…which isn’t at all normal because my mom would rather sleep till mid morning if the possibility exist…so I mentally braced myself for whatever news was to come.

She told me my grandma had gotten up to go to the bathroom in the early morning hours and had fallen. Her shoulder was broke and she was now in the hospital where she still is as of now.

Thank God when she fell she was wearing her lifeline necklace — the one she grumbled about last year when my mom insisted it’d be best she have one.

In case you don’t know what a lifeline necklace is, it’s this plastic electronic piece with a push button. If an emergency situation occurs the person needing assistance pushes the button and through a speaker system they communicate back and forth with a medical care specialist until help arrives.

Obviously we hoped my grandma wouldn’t have ever needed to use it BUT we are soooo incredibly thankful she had it when she desperately needed it.

I can’t help but think about that name —lifeline.

We all have access to one really…

Hebrews 4:16 says this, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”

Sounds like a pretty fitting lifeline right?

Approaching God’s throne’ is referring to the very truth that we’re invited to humbly yet boldly come to Him in prayer, trusting He will provide in His own perfect way.

Prayer is our lifeline which connects us to God. The beautiful thing is that we don’t have to wait for an urgent situation to arise in order to use it.

My grandma wore that lifeline necklace faithfully for the past year and it’s presence mattered, it helped her feel safer throughout the time she’s had it.

The same is true for us with prayer as our lifeline to God…BUT the difference is this— my grandma knew she had access to medical care through a push button device because it was a physical piece which she could see and feel.

Prayer, on the other hand, isn’t necessarily something we’re physically reminded to do. Instead we must make a regular, not meaningless, habit of using this lifeline to stay connected to God. Prayer isn’t something we should limit ourselves to only when we’re in dire need.

Let me tell you when my grandma was down, she was down physically and emotionally. She was scared in that moment and knowing her love for God I’m certain her thoughts went to Him. That lifeline hanging close to her heart was surely an answer to prayer in a literal form. She was reminded of it and reached her hand out and clasped hold, pushing that button for help.

That lifeline was something new for her in the sense of her declining health but a lifeline of prayer is something she’s held onto for years. In fact if it wasn’t for her strong faith I may still be lagging in my own.

With my grandma’s situation I’m reminded just how fragile life is. But my hope is placed in Jesus and you can bet I have been and will continue to use the lifeline of prayer in the ups and downs of this crazy thing we call life.

Maybe you’ve been struggling with something but haven’t thought to call out through your God-given lifeline, don’t waste another minute…God is on the other end and He longs to hear from you and comfort you with peace and direction.

Have a blessed weekend!!

“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” -Philippians 3:20-21

Happy New Year

Happy New Year shout out to all of For His Purpose readers!!

Thank you so much for the love, support, encouragement, and conversation I’ve witnessed through this blog. Never did I imagine when I started keeping a blog a few years ago that it would grow to over 500 ‘followers’…I hate using that term but for lack of better words I’ll let it fly today.

A quick fun-fact I praise God for is that in the almost 150 posts I’ve written there has been over 7,000 visitors to the blog and I have never, ever had one negative comment left on my blog…ever! It’s always been nothing but encouragement and thank you’s!

And for that I’m so incredibly grateful because you guys don’t understand how much it encourages me to write and then to have someone leave a comment saying those words blessed them in a remarkably relatable way! Praise be to God!! I’ve been through some tough times, much of which has spilled out in my posts — blogging has played a huge part in helping me heal and I’m thanking you along with Jesus for helping me make a message out of a mess!

Y’all are amazing!

One last thing that has been on my heart lately is that with any New Year always comes talk of New Year’s resolutions.

I set goals at this time of the year and what bothers me is that I feel I’m guilty of becoming narrowed in on a calendar date and if you’re like me you can relate to this…There’s something catchy and refreshing to grabbing hold of January 1st and thinking ‘now is the time to go all out, to strive for that expectation, to set the bar high and be all in.’ What happens, at times, is by the second or third week the “set-prize” somehow manages to lose its luster and suddenly dreams are crushed and goals are kissed goodbye.

I’m in need of some extra motivation. When the downward spiral starts to slide in and take away my plan or focus I want to be ready…and just maybe you get what I’m saying and can benefit too!

Here are a few tips I came up with to help keep us on track:

Share your goals with someone. It’s super sweet to have someone help hold you accountable. Whether it’s a year long Bible reading plan, healthier eating habits, an exercise program you want to tackle this year let someone help you build your passion.

Write it down, even daily if you need to. There’s something about writing words down and rereading them (daily) that is powerful.

Understand that foul-ups are gonna happen. Mouthwatering Cherry Cheesecake is gonna outclass a day of workout at times and that’s okay. When this happens just pick up where you left off…which leads me to my next tip and sort of the main point of my post:

If you come up with a random new goal on any given date…the 26th day of March or the 18th of November…whatever day it may be and you decide there’s a new goal you want in your life don’t waste another moment, don’t wait for the first of the year to come around. Start that hope-driven vision ASAP! Any day is as good as January 1st and it’s never too late to go for the goal.

We’ve got this!!

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. —Isaiah 41:10

Hope Through Unity

Several years ago my oldest daughter and I had the opportunity to travel to Acuña, Mexico with my husband’s aunt and uncle. We were joining up with men, women, and children of all ages from all over America as part of a missionary group with an organization by the name of Casas Por Cristo (Houses for Christ). Their main goal is to share Jesus’ love by blessing and serving a family in need through a house building project in one of their designated building-locations.

When we all arrived in Acuña we had a large group of around 100 volunteers with a gymnasium that served as our gathering hub for sleep, food, cold showers, and devotions. We were split into even groups on the first day so a total of five homes would be built in Acuña over a four day period.Our team of twenty-ish made an immediate connection with the same like-minded purpose — to mesh work and Jesus’ love through building a house for a sweet Hispanic family…and goodness the family was precious.

The father and son worked on what would become their new home right along side our team, while the mother and grandmother made it a priority to fill us up everyday on authentic local dishes and Mexican hot cocoa and donuts. Side note: If you’ve never had Mexican hot cocoa you’re missing out! It’s actually available in Walmart stores so make sure to treat yourself!As we came to the end of our mission trip, with the house nearly completed, there was a moment where we all gathered for a dedication ceremony.

David, our Casas Por Christo team leader, translated what the Hispanic father wanted so desperately for our team to know. Continue reading “Hope Through Unity”

The One Thing We Need…

This is gonna be a short and simple post and I’m not sure I’ll post again for a while.

I think so much has become overcomplicated and overwhelming lately in America and all over that I honestly just desire some basic, surefooted instructions…anyone else?

As I sat down this morning to do my Bible study I thought about how I had a choice to make. I could choose to whine around for the umpteenth day in a row and be irritated with the circumstances of our world given the mess of the Coronavirus or I could focus on God’s faithfulness and change my perspective to a positive one. In that moment the words ‘He will renew your strength’ came to mind…I flipped my Bible open to Isaiah 40:31 which says, ‘but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.’ Continue reading “The One Thing We Need…”

The Matthew Project

…Where to even begin this post?…I’m currently taking a class by the name of Perspectives, some of you may be familiar with the name. It’s probably one of the most challenging (yet spiritually rewarding) classes I’ve ever taken — lots of reading, extra studying, and gobs of extensive vocabulary that I’m not always familiar with. This class thoroughly drives home the point of seeing Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:19 come to fruition as Christians literally live out these scriptures by fulfilling the calling in each of our lives.

Matthew 24:14 And the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

When our lives follow Jesus and we have a healthy relationship and right standing with Him, we as Christians know how incredibly important Matthew 24:14 truly is. And we longingly look forward to the day of Jesus’ return. In the meantime however Matthew 28:19 absolutely has to be happening and requires our obedience!

As I’ve studied in Perspectives, my little self-focused world has been rocked in a huge way as I gain a new “perspective” on my role in helping to spread God’s word to the ends of the earth…even if it’s just right in my own community — which brings me to the idea of this very post.

K stay with me!! Continue reading “The Matthew Project”

Keeping the Christmas Spirit Going

It seems like once the New Year arrives people have often times moved beyond the Christmas spirit or season and are now fixated on new beginnings, keeping trendy resolutions, and sometimes creating outlandish goals for the upcoming year.

It’s almost as if the New Year pours in and Christmas is drowned out, right?

I’m seriously as guilty as they come with quickly moving on to my New Year resolutions.

In fact, a few weeks ago my husband commented that he wanted to start running to help get in shape. But then nothing came of it. Oddly enough some of our good friends contacted us the other day asking if we’d like to participate in a half marathon happening at the beginning of May. With the idea of motivation to spur us along in our new goal of running this year, we reluctantly committed…so now we’re signed up to compete in this half marathon that we’re absolutely (equally) unprepared for and clueless about.😂 Continue reading “Keeping the Christmas Spirit Going”

I’m So Glad You’re The One Taking Care Of Me Today (PART 1)

Warning: Sensitive material for some

It’s been eighteen years (today) since my dad died. It’s hard to even put those words together. He’s someone who hasn’t made it easy to ‘just get over.’

When you love someone so much and then lose them, it changes everything.

I know I’ve mentioned in previous posts the story of my dad, but for new blog followers and my own thought process (and anyone else) here we go…. Continue reading “I’m So Glad You’re The One Taking Care Of Me Today (PART 1)”