Worth More Than Diamonds

For almost three years straight I hadn’t been able to find my wedding ring — which didn’t really surprise me because I was always misplacing it for a few days at a time prior to that.

I’d place it on the bathroom counter or leave it on my mom or mother-in-law’s kitchen sink and it’d sit there for days until someone would pipe up and let me know they found my ring…again…meanwhile I’d be frantically searching everywhere it was not, hoping to find it!

At one point I even went extreme and had my husband’s first initial tattooed to my finger during one of the many times my ring was missing. Now I have the letter N permanently tattooed to my ring finger, which is fine…BUT I live in Nebraska (Husker nation) and I’ve actually had several people ask me if the N was for that reason….umm no….I’ll keep from further commenting so no sassy comments come out.

Last week I’d really been thinking heavily about my real, original wedding ring. I even ‘re’searched spots I’d already checked a thousand other times.

Nathan and I will be celebrating 15 years of marriage in September and plan to have professional photos taken to celebrate, and really I just wanted nothing more than to have my wedding ring show up like an honored guest for the special occasion. After it being MIA for the past three years I had kind of wrote off the idea of it ever reappearing even though I’d search here and there just in case and especially lately as our anniversary quickly approaches.

The other day I was in a hurry getting ready to leave the house and one of my bracelets had fallen behind my dresser. My first instinct was just to leave and grab it when I had more time, but then I felt a stronger urgency to not wait and retrieve it right away instead. I inched the dresser from the wall a bit and spotted a small dusty golden color on the floor and immediately wondered if there was a chance it could be my ring. Using my husband’s barbecue thermometer (lol) I pulled at the piece and much to my shock it was in fact my wedding ring! …Honestly I’m still not even sure I ended up grabbing the little brown beaded bracelet that had originally fallen behind the dresser and spurred me to this moment to begin with.

I don’t love much, as far as materialistic items go, but I’m thrilled about finding my ring; it holds sentimental value to me!

BUT!!…as sweet, dainty, or pretty as it may appear to the eye—it’s actually broken.

On the underside of it, the gold is cracked—completely through…and a few of the prongs that hold the circular-shaped diamond need straightened and evened out.

Even then, it doesn’t mean any less to me. It’s still a keepsake, still a treasure, still an important part of my marriage because of what it represents. But it needs attention that only a professional jeweler can provide; only someone skilled in the arts of jewelry can make this ring whole and complete again. This won’t be the first time it lands at the jewelers’—nor the last—it’s gone in before for necessary maintenance.

It’s similar to Christians in keeping our faith strong and well maintained. We must continually present ourselves to God, the Healer, to be fixed. We experience trials and errors; and sometimes it feels like our life is under fire. But right in that place, right in that hot spot, refining happens and flaws dissipate when we hand ourselves over to God and trust that he can mend us.

Every time we give ourselves to God through prayer, worship, and time in His word we’re stepping further away from brokenness and drawing closer to healing and wholeness; and we shine (much like a freshly polished diamond) in a way that brings glory to God.

…Interestingly enough, as beautiful and valuable as a diamond may be, there’s actually no scripture where God ‘dotes on’ or ‘raves over’ it’s unique features or characteristics, though it’s a mineral created mindfully by Him.

However, referring to the importance WE have to God, this is what He proclaims over His people in Jeremiah 31:3b, “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”

You. And Me. He loves us with an everlasting love. He has drawn us to Himself with unfailing kindness.

This means God desires to have a relationship with us. To fix us. To simply love on us if we’re willing, no matter our situation…

In our brokenness, when we remain in Him, His light spills out and His brilliance is revealed to the world.

With our flaws, He’s able to connect us so we can communicate and encourage one another on.

And when we feel dull and useless—the beautiful truth is that as we wholeheartedly follow Him we radically change…we shine and sparkle, and reflect God’s light to others—without a trace of what the world claims as treasure—no glitter, swagger, or bling needed! …Just us, allowing ourselves to be used and fixed in a way that points others to Him!

Author: alimw2013

About For His Purpose~ My name is Alicia and I'm a thirty-something year old who loves Jesus. Only through God’s amazing grace and mercy I have been redeemed from past regret and shame. Reading His word has allowed me to look past Satan’s forceful lies, to see myself for who Christ says I am in Him. Through writing I have learned why I made the choices I made in my younger years and I now have a better understanding of why I desire to love God like crazy these days. Despite my daily failures, God remains faithful always. I am reassured of His unconditional love for me by every ink-drop spilled out on paper, each committed prayer as I cry out to Him, and deep understanding reflected through reading His word as truth. Yes keeping a blog will make me vulnerable to others’ opinions- there will be some who don’t understand, some who may criticize or judge, but on the other hand if just one piece expressed through my writing grabs someone’s attention and directs them to God, then pouring out my heart in a blog for the world to read is worth it. I choose to glorify Him alone through words streaming across a glowing screen. And it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t reveal the fact that I’m incredibly quirky; I’m my loving husband’s best friend, my vivacious kids’ craziest cheerleader and spiritual trainer (3 John 1:4). I love anything farmhouse and rustic style. I think cupping a warm coffee mug in the palm of my hands is more satisfying than the contents within. I share a common obsession with my husband for the mountains, but I would (without a doubt) settle for waves crashing against my legs at the Atlantic Ocean just as well, and I almost always have a Yorkie curled up on my lap while writing. *All photos are photographed by forhispurpose.blog and therefore may not be stored or photocopied in any manner.

45 thoughts on “Worth More Than Diamonds”

  1. This is a beautiful devo. It’s an interesting observation that God never raves about diamonds (or beaches or sunrises or other amazing things He created) yet He does dote on us–wow. And yayyy, congrats on finding your ring!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. If you take your ring to a jeweler make sure they are a replicable. I have heard, if they are not, they take a real diamond and switch it out for a fake or one that is less in quality. This is mom coming out in me. I hope I haven’t offended you! ♥

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No not at all (you haven’t offended me!)….I’ve heard that too! We live in a small town so I know the guy who’ll fix it thankfully but I can’t imagine having to take it somewhere in a big city!!😥

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  3. Congrats on finding your ring! At home I never wear my ring, I have a little trinket box that I keep it in. Even Andrew knows where it is, so if we’re heading out the door, if I haven’t grabbed my rings I can ask him to grab them for me. Otherwise I never remove them unless I have to. Then I’d probably put them in my purse until I could put them back on. Because we were always doing ceramics, and my hands would get dusty or muddy, I just got into the habit of never wearing them around the house. Some people never take them off, but if you’re crafty, or you’re making a meal, this doesn’t work. Wow I can jabber about what to do with rings. Lol.

    So we both had God’s everlasting love on our minds. I just wrote something about that in a piece I was working on today. It was so good to read your post! 😊 ❤ Remember, you don’t have to do everything. That's just a lil' sisterly advice, Cuz I know you have so much on your plate! But you're awesome, which is why you have a lot on your plate. ❤


    1. Hahahaha jabber about what to do with rings!!!😂❤️ I got in the habit of removing mine when I do hair at the nursing home and then it just carried on from there😥

      I started to get good at limiting myself on what was on my plate but the past few weeks I’ve taken on a full plate and then some! I’ve gotta get it figured out or I get crazy overwhelmed!


  4. I very rarely remove my wedding ring simply because I would lose mine as well!! I did have to remove it during the last bit of this last pregnancy and it was very weird to be without it. I can only imagine losing it for three years. So glad you found it 🙂 And so very glad to have a God who values us more than anything! God Bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too!!🙏
      I’m not terribly surprised my ring was gone for so long, I’m one of those that I could have my phone in my hand talking on it yet looking all over the house for it meanwhile lol😂

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  5. “…in that hot spot, refining happens” Amen!
    So glad you found your ring! I’ve lost mine before and looked and gave up a few times and then found it right where I thought it was supposed to be. How does that even happen? Mine is broken right now, too, so I’m just wearing a simple wedding band.


  6. Wow. Just wow: “It’s similar to Christians in keeping our faith strong and well maintained. We must continually present ourselves to God, the Healer, to be fixed.” I love this blog! I’m so behind in my reading but I may stop right here so your words can bless me all day. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love this! I lost my ring also and then another, and then I bought myself a third one but I hated it. There was a tiny stone missing and I didn’t even want to fix it. I sold it for a few hundred dollars and have been without one for the last three years. I keep hoping that one of the ones that my husband surprised me with will somehow show up in an old purse or something.
    The scripture you mentioned, “I have loved you with an everlasting love…”. The Lord spoke that to me one day when He showed me a whirlwind blowing outside my window. He melted my fears away and all my flaws no longer mattered. He had loved me even though I felt so low and so forgotten. He said that He had not forgotten me. He even said He was well pleased with my life. I couldn’t understand how that was possible, but that was because I only knew love from the world’s definition. He taught me how to love deeply and to never see the faults of others, but to see them how He sees them. Beautiful and priceless! Thank you for sharing your story. I know it was an old post but the Lord led me to it. Maybe that means my ring is going to show up! 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh so beautiful, love this comment and I so hope it shows up BUT even if it doesn’t there’s still that “circle” formation of love with you, your husband, and the Lord!!!…and that’s most important!!
      We live in Nebraska and I’m not sure if it’s this way all over the place but something that has gained a lot of popularity are those rubber rings that you can pick up just about anywhere…I don’t have one but several of my friends that have pricey wedding rings have actually tucked those away and now they sport those rubber rings instead…

      So thankful you commented, made my morning!!

      Liked by 1 person

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