Error 101…

Oftentimes after I hit publish for a blog-post I’ll go back and read through the published copy which has been sent out to anyone who follows my blog; and the post is also available to anyone who may be interested in that particular blog-topic…

More often than not, I’ll read not too far in, and the grammatical errors begin to stand out like a vegan at a steakhouse…and I’m like how in the world did I miss that one?!! 

I miss-spell simple words, confuse commas and parentheses, and inaccurately use ‘their’ when I meant to use ‘there’ (that one’s a frequent flyer). I once wrote loves-truck instead of love-struck (huge difference when you’re trying to make your point about two young love-birds on Valentine’s Day). And last week my husband pointed out that I had typed Bid in my post instead of Big when I was supposed to be referring to ‘Big Daddy Weave’. When I notice or become aware of this type of thing, I immediately scroll through attempting to make everything right…and…well… “perfect”.

A fellow blogger, Ann, over at Seeking Divine Perspective wrote a post a few months ago she called What the-?!? where she writes about the time someone read her blog and asked if the name of her blog was supposed to read ‘Seeking Divine Perpsective’ or ‘Seeking Divine Perspective’. (Some of you will have to take a double or triple look to find that error, I never noticed until she wrote about it).

For over a year she’d been blogging under the name ‘Seeking Divine Perpsective’, where the p and s were flip-flopped in the word “perspective”. As a retired English teacher, at first she was greatly appalled that she hadn’t noticed, but very soon the Lord spoke to her heart and reminded her that imperfection happens, yet there’s an incredible amount of goodness to be thankful for and rejoice over, nevertheless.

Her “perspective” over life is beautiful and she brings it out through the words in her blog-posts as she aims to glorify God…regardless of a misspelled blog title, which I believe has been corrected now.😉

Honestly I could beat myself up over the many errors on my own blog posts and make a “bid” deal about something harmless, but if I choose to do that then Satan’s just getting the best of me—and the worry, fear, and anxiety would quickly escalate to other areas of my life…

Satan longs to seep into our struggles and tell us we’re not good enough, not smart enough, not strong enough…

Not Enough.

Such a powerful word…when we allow Satan to lie, crush our joy, and use that word (enough) to label us we’re brought down negatively, but allowing Jesus to use it over us—it changes everything…our whole “perpsective” changes…it no longer matters how it looks on the outside. Through God’s word we learn that we are MORE than enough—errors and all! God offers mercy and grace over our imperfection through a Perfect Jesus.

Romans 5:8 says, ‘But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.’

Instead of pushing repeat for Error 101 lessons, I need the reminder of truth from Psalm 139:14, “Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.”

For so long, in my quiet prayers, I was guilty of pleading, saying: “God help me to get over my past, help me to not beat myself up, help me to not allow Satan to get the best of me, all of my mess-ups are too much…but here recently I’ve changed that prayer, thanking God for the life He’s given me, and the things I’ve learned along the way, and for what He’s doing these days—in and through me…for His Purpose…and now, I’m not near as distracted and annoyed by my inevitable flaws.

He’s an amazing and wonderful God…the best part of my life and the reason I am who I am today!! I’m so thankful He loves me unconditionally…mistakes and all!

Romans 8:38-39 says ‘For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.’

John 3:16 ‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.’

Author: alimw2013

About For His Purpose~ My name is Alicia and I'm a thirty-something year old who loves Jesus. Only through God’s amazing grace and mercy I have been redeemed from past regret and shame. Reading His word has allowed me to look past Satan’s forceful lies, to see myself for who Christ says I am in Him. Through writing I have learned why I made the choices I made in my younger years and I now have a better understanding of why I desire to love God like crazy these days. Despite my daily failures, God remains faithful always. I am reassured of His unconditional love for me by every ink-drop spilled out on paper, each committed prayer as I cry out to Him, and deep understanding reflected through reading His word as truth. Yes keeping a blog will make me vulnerable to others’ opinions- there will be some who don’t understand, some who may criticize or judge, but on the other hand if just one piece expressed through my writing grabs someone’s attention and directs them to God, then pouring out my heart in a blog for the world to read is worth it. I choose to glorify Him alone through words streaming across a glowing screen. And it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t reveal the fact that I’m incredibly quirky; I’m my loving husband’s best friend, my vivacious kids’ craziest cheerleader and spiritual trainer (3 John 1:4). I love anything farmhouse and rustic style. I think cupping a warm coffee mug in the palm of my hands is more satisfying than the contents within. I share a common obsession with my husband for the mountains, but I would (without a doubt) settle for waves crashing against my legs at the Atlantic Ocean just as well, and I almost always have a Yorkie curled up on my lap while writing. *All photos are photographed by and therefore may not be stored or photocopied in any manner.

39 thoughts on “Error 101…”

  1. Thank you for this writing. I have made mistakes, and gone back to correct the mistake after hitting publish. It is good to read through, and not be hasty. I don’t labor with the corrections. We all make mistakes. The title mistake was funny, even though the person was ashamed. I believe we must have a sense of humor. Our audience is not out there to laugh at us. It is there because we say something of significance, that they catch. Maybe it makes them laugh, and cheers them up.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yes, we do need to keep our sense of humor! For me, the funny thing was that this error was finally noticed when I posted “The Big Cover-up” – about how we try to hide our sins, but the truth comes out sooner or later. After a talk with the Lord, I was seeing so much humor in the error that I went from frantically trying to correct it to leaving it up for a week or more, so we could all laugh together. A perfect world, with perfect people, would be so boring! And utterly humorless.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. All are definitely sinners. I had a rough day yesterday. Let’s say I was brought down a notch or two. So I know what it is to have a hard day. But my thoughts are that God is in control. I turned to where the Lord said, “This kind does not come out but by prayer and fasting.” My husband preached on this. Healing came because the Lord rebuked that spirit and it left the little boy. Praise God for discernment and for wisdom.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. I pray daily for wisdom!!! I thank God for His mercy and grace on the times I choose to act under my own guard ..and yet He still loves me (us) regardless 🙂so glad we don’t have to remain stuck in those yucky moments, we can start anew at any time!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I can certainly relate to the perfectionism. I have daydreams that would rival Walter Mitty’s about an amazing woman who, for lack of a better name, I call Super Me. (I did a post about her a little over a year ago.) Accepting the fact that she doesn’t exist and never will has been a hard task!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love this post and I too have flubbed up and do the face smack 🤦🏼‍♀️ when I see it! Can’t change it for the “followers” but can change the blog. For me the question is do I make the changes or allow someone to see my imperfections as long as it doesn’t change the message? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Glad the blogging community is so kind and has a sense of humor!

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    1. Yup that’s been me over the past few years..I struggled with perfection so bad that I thought I needed to be the one to do dishes and laundry etc. because I thought no one else could do it exactly how I wanted it done and then I finally became overwhelmed by the amount of chores that I finally caved and admitted I needed help in accomplishing housework to be taken care’s been a slow but progressive process of learning that things don’t need to be perfect.


  4. Mistakes are a very human thing. Often, they’re rather funny if we lighten up a bit. There was a headline in our local newspaper yesterday that asked: “Will Clams Make xxxx Disappear?” I laughed way too hard for that early in the morning.

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  5. I do the same thing – find errors in my writing AFTER I publish a blog entry.

    Actually, I noticed you used “wandering” instead of “wondering” in your post about your daughter’s flu-like symptoms. I thought I’d let you know – I kean it very kindly and with respect – because if it were me I’d want to know. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Uuugh, there I made a typo in that comment. It should say “mean” and not “kean”.
      Kean? That’s not even a word!
      And there is no edit button in comments.
      I’m too tired. Goodnight, sis! 🙂

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  6. I try to take extra time to proof each post. Since most of my writing is poetry, the proofing process begins with the editing process. Being a former teacher who supervised a school newspaper, I try to do as I preached to my students over and over to thoroughly check their work.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think it’s important for sure! I use WordPress on my phone and used to always hit the ‘spell check’ button before posting for some added editing precaution BUT the WordPress app I use has removed the spell check button!!!!!!😕

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