Autumn Blessings

It’s 3 A.M. as I write…or type this…so I’m sorry ahead of time for any misspelled words or confusing lingo. I shouldn’t proofread before hitting publish just as a way to make it extraordinarily entertaining to go back and read later.

I can’t sleep very well lately and I think it’s because we’ve been going to bed at 9 lately instead of 10…either way I have two Yorkies cuddled up way too close on each side of me, an inconsistent snoring husband on his half of the bed, and I believe a charming little Warren boy curled up at the foot of my bed…plus I can hear our rooster crowing from the chicken coop. I’m not sure what that’s all about but he must be exceptionally confused and hopefully isn’t causing our neighbors any sleep deprivation.

Throw all those odds in against me and it’s no wonder I lie awake….(lie or lay…anyone else have trouble knowing which of those two are correct?)

Anyways on with the purpose of this post—which was inevitably going to come about…regardless of 3 A.M. sleepless nights.

Autumn. I just love that word. You don’t hear it very often. People lean more to using the word fall, myself included, and I’m not sure why, but I’m hoping it’s not another sign of laziness.

There’s only a few leaves left dangling from the trees out back of our house. In fact most signs of autumn have already been covered over and whisked away by a few snows here in my neck of the woods…BUT it’s still considered autumn nevertheless.

I feel like I blinked and missed the leaves changing colors. My favorite trees are the Aspens in the fall, as the leaves lose their green color and skillfully fade to shades of yellow, orange, and red, clinging tightly to their smooth, white bark. We have to head out to Colorado to see the Aspens in their fall decor and typically we do so, but this year we went there over summer instead. Alas, I’ll have to wait until next year to see them changing colors.

I enjoy this time of year for several reasons though, a few being that we celebrate birthdays and mine and Nathan’s anniversary, there’s Halloween, pumpkins, combine rides, hunting season, and Thanksgiving as well. We also squeeze our annual hayrack ride somewhere in the mix of things too.

I’m still homeschooling our two youngest kiddos and just finished teaching another lesson on poems to McKenzie. She wrote a fall poem that she gave me permission to share. Sweet girl, she melts my heart everyday with her sweetness.


Looks like squirrels gathering acorns in brown, yellow, orange, and red leaves

Feels like a cool breeze by a warm bonfire

Sounds like kids playing in crunching leaves

Smells like roasted marshmallows and smoked turkey

Tastes like hot apple cider with pumpkin pie

By: McKenzie Witt (age 10)

I want to finish up by sharing some pictures of our autumn memories; and to my email readers these may not show up in correct format, you might have to click into the blog by tapping the post’ title to correctly view.

Paige’s 13th birthday:

Nate’s elk hunting adventure:(#notnebraska) lol8548BEDC-7861-47FA-A7AB-E5289D242EF9

Happy 14th anniversary and my birthday:


Youth group kids we took to Camp Comeca for Elevate weekend:

Women’s Weekend at Johnson Lake:

Hayrack ride/fall party:

Harvest with the BFF:

Halloween: a pirate, llama, & a cowboyF653FBC6-FBB4-46B3-AF09-D28B607DE85B

Warren’s 9th birthday:

Ladies Paint and Praise Night at church:

Welcoming Winter:

As I post these pictures I’m reminded of the many blessings in my life and isn’t that what this time of year is all about? Thanksgiving…The blessings of family, friends, and memories, and God’s provision over our lives…acknowledging thankfulness in a mindful way. Wherever you are, I pray you’re able to spend time with your loved ones over a warm Thanksgiving dinner and a grateful heart.

…And if you’re Black Friday shopping, my condolences…(#goodluckbro)

Blessings to you all!


I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. —Psalm 9:1

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Author: alimw2013

About For His Purpose~ My name is Alicia and I'm a thirty-something year old who loves Jesus. Only through God’s amazing grace and mercy I have been redeemed from past regret and shame. Reading His word has allowed me to look past Satan’s forceful lies, to see myself for who Christ says I am in Him. Through writing I have learned why I made the choices I made in my younger years and I now have a better understanding of why I desire to love God like crazy these days. Despite my daily failures, God remains faithful always. I am reassured of His unconditional love for me by every ink-drop spilled out on paper, each committed prayer as I cry out to Him, and deep understanding reflected through reading His word as truth. Yes keeping a blog will make me vulnerable to others’ opinions- there will be some who don’t understand, some who may criticize or judge, but on the other hand if just one piece expressed through my writing grabs someone’s attention and directs them to God, then pouring out my heart in a blog for the world to read is worth it. I choose to glorify Him alone through words streaming across a glowing screen. And it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t reveal the fact that I’m incredibly quirky; I’m my loving husband’s best friend, my vivacious kids’ craziest cheerleader and spiritual trainer (3 John 1:4). I love anything farmhouse and rustic style. I think cupping a warm coffee mug in the palm of my hands is more satisfying than the contents within. I share a common obsession with my husband for the mountains, but I would (without a doubt) settle for waves crashing against my legs at the Atlantic Ocean just as well, and I almost always have a Yorkie curled up on my lap while writing. *All photos are photographed by and therefore may not be stored or photocopied in any manner.

7 thoughts on “Autumn Blessings”

  1. Yay! I’ve been anxiously awaiting an Alicia post! Yes, I too have trouble with lie and lay—every time. As for Fall and Autumn, I probably say Fall more, but I prefer to write Autumn. It just sounds prettier to me. I Love McKenzie’s poem! It’s lovely. ❤ Makes me feel warm inside. Love all of your pictures too Alicia. It's nice to see all those sunny faces 🙂 I have a couple of Fall/Autumn poems to share as well. Likely on the weekend. First comes tomorrow's post on becoming children. 🙂 Now I feel satisfied. I needed my Alicia post! 😀 Just wonderful as always. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha love it!!! See and you put an uppercase letter on fall and autumn but Warren’s language arts book just said you don’t need to when writing it in reference form, so weird!!! I do like the looks of Fall verses fall and same with Autumn.

      I have a lot of posts kind of started but then they end up so long so I try to decide if I should part 1 and part 2 them or what..maybe I’ll find time to weed through them this weekend…can’t wait for you to share your poems…you and Andrew have an awesome Thanksgiving weekend!!


  2. Lie was correct, but I’d probably be questioning myself at 3 a.m. also.
    That pic of the sunset at the lake is awesome! It’s almost like a different kind of rainbow.
    I hope all of your birthday celebrations, anniversary, and Thanksgiving were happy! Oh, and no Black Friday shopping for me either! LOL


    1. Good I got lie right but then fall and autumn seemed weird not capitalizing but my son’s English curriculum teaches not to…the English language is confusing…I hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving…and yes that picture of the lake was amazing…we actually sat down at the lakeside restaurant, there were large windows lining the wall that faced the lake, the sun began to set similar to any other evening and then within a few minutes it turned to that beautiful color so half of us ladies rushed out to take pictures for just a few minutes..we no more than got back inside to sit down and it was back to the way it’d been just minutes before…it was crazy!! Love God’s artwork:)


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